Tuesday, January 3, 2023


                     So what are we looking at here ?    Is if Fear or Concern ?    Holder figured there would be ULTIMATE Damage to the Nation, that, the Status Quo would be altered in a NEGATIVE way and that Alteration would be IMPOSSIBLE to >> Fix.   That >>> IT<<< wasn't "worth" [the] It .   Garland MAY be seeing  >>>IT<<< the same way ---- that there would be IRREVOCABLE Damage to his beloved Status Quo and the Peoples of this already Cataclysmed* Country.    {{{I do NOT use the word >>Cataclysm<< litely*.   The election of trump was no mere Rupture, it was a Cataclysm .   The Nation's [Psycho-Ideological] Divide was BLOWN-UP and produced MASSIVE Distance between People and Peoples who once had at least ONE "shared commonality" that of living on the Same Land .   I use Cataclysm because even TIME had been IMPACTED, meaning,  the Time Dynamic, the one of linear progression, was not only Stalled but REVERSED .   It was as if Time itself had been SP  LIT* into TW O* .    This Time Dynamic, the FACT that tw o Times had `come into` 'existence', acted upon the Peoples to generate [a] Reality Chaos ---Two >>Worlds<< occupying the Same Space at the Same Time, which, until Now, was Physics-ly* IMPOSSIBLE . }}}  

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