Saturday, January 14, 2023

The Shame Machine

                     Here now a Kozmiq parallel that defies 'extra-ordinary' to become Super UN-ORDINARY ---If you don't own a "Smart Machine" you aren't a member of Modern Day Society and {dare I register} Computer CULTURE .    You aren't "SMART"  ((!!!!)) which,, when you "Judge a book by its cover",, MEANS,,,  you must be IGNORANT where Ignorant IMPLIES Stupid and/ or Stupidity .  Here, being too POOR to OWN a Smart Machine is "taken for granted" .   

          I sub-ed for the Computer Teacher.  One class of 6th Graders, the order for one of the Hours .   They were working on an Ongoing Assignment .   Several had forgotten how to "Log In".  I shyt* you not .  I had to help them .   I went from one to the next in Awespicion*  (awesome + suspicion) .  WTF wuz* going on ?   I stopped class and asked, Who among you has access to a computer in their home, please raise your hand.   Not one of the kids I helped had access to a home computer .   

          They were AFRAID of the Smart Machine .   Being FORCED to Learn produced TERROR.  Not only couldn't they type (use the keyboard) they seemed SOOOOO dysconfident* they were mentally and physically IMMOBILIZED .   Inwardly I shuddered .  These POOR fuqing Kids ~~~~~~~~~~ .



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