Thursday, January 19, 2023

Keystone Ops

                     We must 'overlook' [bypass] {ignore} the enmeshment of Death into Lyfe* depicted in the 'cover Art' of "Hejira" if we are to manage this [Inquiry] Investigation.  Instead, our Focus MUST-BE 'on' Joni's Music as [Engine] {Vehicle} of Revelatory Introspection made manifest in her Lyrics and Sounds.  This 'Same' is what Journaling* concerts*---the Exploration of Ego + Self  made manifest [in] [by] letters, words and sentences --- the concretization* {to make as CONCRETE} of Thoughts, Emotions, Feelings and Abstractions {which we Hear in Joni's lyrics}.   Ben aint no Writer, you can hear discomfort in his voice as he tries to explain the "WHY" of Journaling---at first he has NO Answer ---he stumbles and mumbles, piddles and diddles,, hems and haws,,, until he just 'gives up'.  

          Make note that Joni's Intention is for PUBLIC Discovery---something NOT "True" in the wurq* of Journaling.  "Singer / Songwriter" is parallel to "Poet / Author" .  To be a Diarist / Journalist is something of a Secretive Endeavor --- Here, "One's words are One's own" and General Readership may be accomplished ONLY with the advent of Death---posthumous Delivery .  

          Still, it is Necessary to acquit the actual Writing as a "Bottom Line"--- to recognize the Act of Exploration as the Key that unlocks both Inner and Outer Beauty . 

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