Sunday, January 1, 2023

"You feel me ?"

                     I have encountered a phrase that Shoshana Zuboff has used repeatedly in her passages, it is "meaning must be built".   Generally, sentences are referred to as being "constructed", indeed, "sentence structure" is taught as NECESSARY if true Communication {of thoughts} is to be successful.  Here, MEANING is [obtained] {attained} readily, with NO disguise, or entendre .   We say, "Mean what you say, say what you mean."   I 'get' that, however, if one declares that Meaning must be >>built<< what are the items or building blocks of Meaning, and exactly HOW are these blocks arranged to produce that Meaning ?   Clearly, Meaning that 'stands alone' is difficult to identify .   Often, after an UN-successful attempt at expressing meaning, we say, "You know what I mean"---we even ask, "Do you know what I mean?"  Here it is that expression relies on {depends upon} UNSPOKEN Transmission, the delivery of mostly PHYSICAL "cues", which take the formlessNess* of seemingly TELEPATHIC Energies that when received, offer Understanding .  We say, "Did you 'get' that ?"  At this point the FEELING of reception QUALIFIES as Understanding .  Recently, the expression, "You FEEL me ?" has entered Social Intercourse via Street and Gutter [Public] Vehicle .   Clearly, Meaning is {a} FEELING .   Clearly, Meaning manifests as BODY AwareNess* .   Mind 'Understanding' is NOT >Enough<, where Enough MEANS Complete .

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