Saturday, January 21, 2023

"Anybody, Anywhere, Anytime"

                     I "HAVE"  Everythyng, indeed, I have MULTIPLE Everythyngs  !!!!  and the Physyqs* behind [and beneath] THAT would require a MONTH'S worth of blogs--- (((but as "background info" IS it worthwhile {Worth my While} ??? )))  

          I was forced to do a Job Interview yesterday .  Here's the phrase : "Impromptu Extemporaneous"---I was unarmed, with 2 days of beard,,,  the Universe can be UN-Merciful .  Here [at] Now my Tengu Masters Testing, Testing Teasting ... .

          "Anybody, Anywhere, Anytime" --- from the Film "Taxi Driver" --- delivered by the Film's Protagonist,   'played'  by  {The Emperor} Robert DeNero .    The  Words are an answer to a question, "Why all the Training ?"   I stole these Words and routinely delivered them to my Sword Students.  It sounded lyqe this :  `You gotta be able to FIGHT "Anybody, Anywhere, Anytime"`.  Such is ONE   of the 'True Natures' of both Sword and [the] Martial Arts in general .   >It<   is sometimes referred to as "Combat Ready" an old WW II depiction .  Modern times uses, "Situational Awareness".   Here it is where "The Threat of Attack" is perceived as REAL, so is it that the Sword'sMan and Warrior must be TUNED to the Infinite {of all Possibilites}.  

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