Sunday, January 22, 2023

The so-called "Mars Hotel"

                     Although 15 or sixteen adversaries all armed with Swords would pose NO {Real} Threat -- here was this Director of Library Operations standing before me with the Weight, Density and MASS of an ANCIENT Academic Status Quo whose Gravity was that of a Black Hole ~~~ something of a "Mars Hotel" just shy of being the "Hotel California".  

          Within the Whirlwind of Dream Incomprehensibility was this Expression :  "We may need an Introduction -- a "one off" so folks can 'see' you ."   ....  so much for Documents and the Written Word .  THIS would be the "Real Deal"-- me standing with Sword delivering Dharma Dogma with the Weight , Density and MASS of THOUSANDS of Years .   

          2 words : Sword is SCARY .   I've done many "One Man Demos" to unprepared audiences and they have been CATACLYSMAL "flops".    Once their eyes 'gloss over' {glass over i.e., turn to glass} I revert to Expressions of Combat Lethality which is perceived as miracle delivering Qrazee .   Here it is where "Gut Cut" and "Skull Crack" are NOT received as Dance Joviality and Joyous "Jumanji".  Folks got FRIGHTENED .   1 word :  not good .

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