Friday, January 6, 2023

Atom and Eve

                     It's all "assess and elbows" as the American Republican Party descends into a Hell OF ITS OWN CREATION, but in so doing, has DRAGGED an entire Nation into the Cesspoolic* Morass of Shit, Piss, and fuking CORRUPTION .    Folks want to Believe that the present Chaos is some form of NATURAL DISORDER, that it is within the Nature of Politics to subvert the will of the Majority, by the propagandal* delivery of Lies, Deceits, Deceptions and Falsehoods, made {egregiously} Valid, by Patriotic Intention .   How can that BE ??? !   Here now this Patriotic Intent is noneother* than Sociopathic TREASON ,  the one NOT of DIRECT "hand-to-hand combat" but of a PSYCHOLOGICAL WARFARE aided and abetted by Media and Cyber dystopiatic* Frenzy .    Man CANNOT stop a tornado, cyclone hurricane or typhoon---so it is with THIS Political  HORROR,  DESPITE  ITS  "Man-Made"  Origin .  Once the Atom Bomb was detonated there was NO STOPPING its Result .

         Goodbye Hiroshima--so long Nagasaki ....... .

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