Saturday, January 14, 2023

"If you're so smart, why ain't you Rich ?"

                     Blue-collar, Red-Neck, uneducated blah-blah-blah,  they both Endured the Great Depression and my dad DID 'go through the Mil' .   They didn't own their own home until my 7th Grade .    

          That Background, the Physicality of it-- grounded by Roman Catholic Devotion, Church every Sunday -- Observance of EVERY  mandatory Holy Day   the seemingly PRIMAL Ordinance "Cleanliness is next to Godliness " .   To be Clean is to be Near God .   {         ...        }

          Low Middle Class gets us to 'close'-----but not by much .   So it is I have modest Rancor toward the "Well to do" and DEFINITELY toward the "Filthy Rich" and the `Squalor` Wealthy .   Know this :  I never thought I would become ANY Body or ANY THING for that matter .  That  'it' has held truth .  

          But there's this >thing< --- a wonderment WHY those "of means" look 'down' upon those of us WITHOUT those same means , those of us who use our BODIES as Tools to leverage and/or wrest Sustenance from the Working World .   Why IS it that "Down and Dirty" somehow implies LOWLY and Wretched ?    Those of us in Down Here make a phuqing HONEST Living and those above .....


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