Friday, January 6, 2023

Terrorism az Currency


                    Look at what {Roman} Democracy has done to America.  FIVE {persons} are holding 350 MILLION  hostage,  by  dint  and  means  of  a  rabid,  almost  Sociopathic  radicalization  of  political prosecution .   I have been adamant that Democracy has genetic flaws, not the least of which is its Determination to "Protect the Few".   I have argued that this "protection" is at the EXPENSE of the Many--the MAJORITY, who, when using Democracy's Values as Orientation, can only stand by HELPLESSLY as Democracy {wirks} its way {in}to entropic calamity.    

          You gotta wonder if the Founding Beer Swillers even BOTHERED to address what had befallen the Athenian Democracy, the one that had Agrarian Rationale as Natural Guide and  Seasonal Orientation .   The Romans made INSTITUTIONS based upon Democratic Valuations, those of Idealistic Abstractions that in NO WAY could manifest on its streets as Egalitarianism .   Rome and its Society had become "industrialized" to the extent that INDUSTRY was the Prime Driver of Empire ConsciousNess* .  Here now Institutions as INDUSTRY .   Here now nascent Capitalism DEVOURED ConsciousNess and DWARFED the "individual" thereby reducing the so-called "Common Man" to a Voiceless ITEM of Roman Currency .

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