Sunday, January 1, 2023

Truthful --> Full of Ruth

                     There is the phrase, "Face Value"--  things, in the most UNIVERSAL >sense< are "taken" at "Face Value" meaning it is PERHAPS unnecessary to 'apply' analysis {criticism} to expressions given the Context of their [Delivery] .  Here it is where Lies, Falsehoods and Dys-assertions* gain 'foothold' in everyday discourse .   These Three, are dependent upon the Receiver's [dys-concern*], a dysconcern whose nature is not mere lack of focus but the ripe and ready access to intellectual SLOTH.  Folks say, "I don't think about it" MAINLY BECAUSE they can't be BOTHERED, meaning, "It's too much WORK" where work MEANS "Trouble" .    Most of my Generation were raised to "Keep our noses CLEAN" WHICH means, "Do not LOOK for Trouble", in Essence because if you DO "Trouble will find YOU".  Trouble, by definition, is NOT to be "sought" but AVOIDED "at all costs".   When the "Transitive Principle" is Applied HERE,  the Acceptance of the BYYYG Three MEANS >>NO TROUBLE<< .   Here it is where TRUTH is to be considered, "just too much fuking TROUBLE" ,  Cut down >>>  Truth EQUALS Trouble .   

          "Uhhh  Houston ??  We have a problem."

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