Saturday, January 14, 2023

"Tubular Bells"


                    The tubes in the tires I assembled did in fact 'hold' air---the other tubes did not.  There must be micro 'holes'--permeations* that allow air to escape, I will, in [most of ] all likely-hood, simply discard them .   It may be that the actual 'fabric' of the rubber itself has the first degree of 'dry-rot'--turning them into rubberized cardboard ~~~  we will see. 

          Yesterday, I completed Shoshana Zuboff's IN THE AGE OF THE SMART MACHINE .   I'm NOT gonna {rwyte} that this  Book  was "Heaven Sent"  BUT,   in the Sense that MANY of my Kozmiq* Questions were ANSWERED, Shoshana Zuboff   >IS<  , in psycho-fact*, an Angel delivering unto me Her BRILLIANT Analysis, with [the]  Scope and Measure of Arnold Toynbee and the Ethnological DILIGENCE found in Karen Ho's  LIQUIDATED .    Almost EVERY Sentence is PROFOUND .  It is Insight upon Insight, drawn from [her] Depth Psychology and [her] Interrogative Penetration into the Psyche of those she `questioned`--- which she manifests in a Science-text* that  WILL-BE set beside the Great Works of  Human GENIUS.

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