Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Tengu Ministries

                     Marking each day with Signs and Symbols (I sometimes fear) makes me Superstitious or STUPID-STITIOUS as I like to remind myself --- I look for these Signs and Symbols to help me identify my Effort as being 'Acceptable' and even 'Commendable' by the Infinite {Kozmyq*} Intelligence ---ever so Watchful of my >> behavior .   Folks speak of "Guardian Angels" and they have every Spiritual Right to do so ---  I speak of my Tengu Masters who do "Fly-By's" to monitor my Efforts, that I remain TRUE to Kozmyq Principles, Principles upon which the "Continuum" manifests.  When you take Vows to Defend the Truth and GUARD the Continuum {with your Life}, any evidence of Dis-Engagement results in a Sanctified Kozmyq "Nemesis"---that is, PRONOUNCED Failures, Failure that DEFY Logic and Rationality --- the Failures NOT just of Inadequacy and Ineptitude, but Failures DELIVERED as "WAKE THE FUK UP" ---"SLAP IN THE FACE"--- Exigencies .   

          Oddly my Failures are my Own, while my Successes are those of Humankind .  The Tengu manipulate Humility , sometimes to Blind, a BlindNess* that FORCES Introspection, INNER Vision, wherein non-secular Truth harbors an 'Other' Reality .    

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