Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Inner Tubes


                    Yesterday was as smooth as glass.  I didn't have to "fix" any flats, and here 'fix' means to locate the hole in the tube, rasp it, apply glue and finally put on the patch .   In tubeless tires, you must locate the hole----the easiest way to do that is to pump it up and submerge it in water--that way the air bubbles are complete identification.  I didn't have-to do THAT either since the four had tubes.  Of those four one was total shit---- a dry rot had compromised its integrity rendering it junk.  These tubes {aint*} cheap---they `run` between 14 and fifteen bucks.  The Universe 'gave' me three .  This morning's task is to get four tires from the many I have in storage, bullshit 'news' that would NOT hold air .  Fury and Frustration are appropriate .   You DON'T wanna start each workday by getting a pump and manually compressing air .  It's the Sign of laziness and stupidity, the Lethal Tw o.

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