Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Miss Auree


                   "I could never be a doctor because I don't have any patients."

          I'm headed outdoors to begin wurk* on the last pallet .   I NEED Time to orient myself within the Socio-Philosophical clusterfuck that IS American Collective Conscious.   The concomitant REJECTION of Patience as Virtue MUST-BE identified an INTEGRAL FACTOR of  Modern Day ConsciousNess DESPITE its Naturality* as Scope and Measure of Individual AwareNess .   Indeed, we "measure" others and use Patience to [help] correctly identify Jurisprudal* Resonance .   Here it is where the Application of Patience SIGNIFICANTLY diminishes the Grind and AGGRAVATION of dysutilitarian* Malfeasance .

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze ... .

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