Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Miss Lead

                     Don't forget-- Patience is an INSTINCT without which Man as ANIMAL could not survive .  Patience was VITAL for hunting---ESSENTIAL as it were .    "LAYING IN WAIT" was NECESSARY if Prey was to be "Acquired".   Here, Patience was "Hard-Wired" into the Mind AND BODY of Human Kind.   So now, you gotta-wonder* both HOW and WHY, Modern Day ConsciousNess can [itself] Survive WITHOUT the PRIMAL INSTINCT of Patience, since  ConsciousNess  is SUPPOSED-TO-BE intimately Dependent upon our Instinctual Activity.   NOT "Having" Patience is UN-Natural .  

           Has    Civilization   excised this "Most Precious" ??  

           Has     Evolution   somehow chosen to rid us from "WAITING" ?????

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