Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Miss Behavior

                     The Famous  Joe Walsh   [James Gang] swoons, 

                                       "Every body's so different ---I haven't changed".   

          Lou Holt indicates a Cataclysmal "Paradigm Shift" from Kenedy's "Ask Not what your Country can do for you..."  to an "End Player" Consumerist* who worships 'IMMEDIATE' [Self] Gratification and who LOATHES  "Delayed Gratification"  of ANY Kind or Sort .   In her THE AGE OF SURVEILLANCE CAPITALISM Zuboff locates, "I want what I want and,  I want it NOW ".    Dare we ask, "What the phuq happened to PATIENCE ?????   Indeed, Patience WAS a Virtue, a Cherished Virtue, that held EONIC* {Psycho-Philosophical} `Template`  from the Early Middle Ages onward.  Some of You may remember Piers The Ploughman and its "The Patient Conquer" which was Considered something of a Cosmic Absolute [at the Time].   10th Century Cleric, Richard Langland, got this one RHYTE* .  His Work has held True EONS until THIS "Day".   Here now, Capitalism and Consumerism has "Turned" Individuals to "End Game" --  "Bottom Line" --  Devour-ers, that is,   "Individuals" whose NEED for "materials"can be likened to STARVING Animals and their NEED for food .   

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