Saturday, January 21, 2023

Dour Power


                     It aint often that I get 'frozen'.  Frozen means `I kant*` move`-- rather, I can move, I just kant `Moove*` .    Everythyng* has been reorganized, cleared, re-positioned and [as much as is possible] Simplified.  I can Declare [and Proclaim] "Spring is upon me".    And yet  I don't FEEL lyqe* "Springing Into Action".    BYYYG* BusyNess* is in (a)  NASA "Hold" .  The Ground and its Turf are as sponge .  I kant drag or fell until it is Frozen---thyng* is, I can Work all-ryte but the ground scaring, referred to in Landscapers' Language as "Mechanical Damage" , would be {is} prohibitive --- plus,  I don't want the property 'torn up' --- {ravaged} --- it would make for an Aesthetic of Depression NOT of Fruitful Productivity .  {No Fruit} {dour Industry}... .




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