Tuesday, January 31, 2023



                    I awoke to 'solve-ation'.  I checked the clock >>>  1:10 .  Holy Phuq .  I went downstairs to the Music, Poetry,, + Swords' 'War Room' to see if I cood grab some more sleep --------------------- Nope .

          I went to my Twitter Account to 'account' for a lapse in yesterday's column.  I did some rectification that, sure as shyte*,, looked like "tying up loose ends".   

          I'm figuring the Nation >>OUR<< Nation must find Salvation in our own Solve-ation, meaning, the MASSIVE  Extent of PARALYSIS Producing Problems can-Not and should-NOT be from External {SuperNatural} Offsites* but from OUR-OWN Rationalizing Temperance .   

          "Hope" {aint-gonna-do} a Gaud-damn fuking thing ,,, nor is "Wish-Full Thinking".   Prayer DOES have SIGNIFICANT Use-Full-Ness* in that its -----------`engagement` `recommends` {Re Commends} a Mindset of Reality AwareNess that 'comports' Compassionate Aggression .

          .......... and then there's prey-er = preyer..........


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