Sunday, June 23, 2019

...bit o' shit...

I didn't just "think about" taking a hiatus from blog-shipping. I agonized over it bc I'm ridden with the Guilt of Broken Promise, and the Shame of Lethargy.  I MUST report that the Radiation is criminally debilitating, criminal bc it STEALS your Heart, the One that provides Motivation....I may WANT to rite, only to realize that I'm fucking WEAK, that sitting and typing is actually MORE than I can endure ESPECIALLY when I consider my words of QUESTIONABLE Value.  No one wants to read that My Daily Ritual BINDS me to a fucking toilette---the Varian 2000 Linear Accelerator, a THREE MILLION DOLLAR Piece of X-Ray Artillery,, CANNOT pierce even a little bit of shit nor can it pass through GAS AND it needs a full bladder, MY "Full" Bladder, in order to orient itself to Precise Coordinates.  Go figure on THAT.

Life sucks and then your Varian 2000 Linear Accelerator turns out to be dependent on empty bowels and a saturated bladder. 

You'd think that for THREE MILLION DOLLARS this Artillery could penetrate a 10 foot thick Bunker of CONCRETE.  No such Luck.

It's everyday except week-ends, in case you want to know.

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