Sunday, June 23, 2019 for Preacher...

Before I continue I want to  make certain to deliver an Admonition form the Past that also REEKS of Paternal Contempt, the One where your Dad, who survived WWII, claims as Eternal Wisdom  --- .   As bad as you THINK you have it, there's ALWAYS Some One Else, who has it MUCH Worse.  God Zilla I hated hearing that from him ~~~ fortunately I have encountered Verification through His Holiness the Dali Lama, who qualified that Contempt by teaching that We MUST "Look outside our own Selves" and broaden our Perspective to See the Misfortune of Others--- here, this E-x-p-a-n-d-e-d Consciousness lessens OUR Personal Suffering bc it places Us against a Cosmic Background thereby making significant our True Position, that of Smallness and IN-significance, which then imposes upon us a Most Holy Humility.

My Across-the-Street-Neighbor was diagnosed with Colon-Rectal Cancer---She's a Bad Ass with a Bad Ass, who undergoes Chemo-Therapy every other week.  When viewed from HER Perspective--I've got it EZ.  Such is the True Nature of Cosmic Vision.

Keep this in Mind the next time you THINK you've "got It bad".

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