Sunday, June 23, 2019

"It's Hammer Time"

Here's what I Know Kidz, here's what I THINK has Absolutory Significance --the Universe is NOT gonna "give" you Shit you CAN'T handle.  Indeed, there is this X-Factor of Cosmic GENEROSITY that "gives" you a Creative Intelligence that "comes with" a HUGE fucking Cost.  You pay a Price for Brilliance.

When Prometheus "gave" Fire to Human-Kind, "It" angered the Gods who then bound him to a cliff and set upon him VULTURES to peck out his Liver.  Such was the Cost of Brilliance, Such was the MAGNIFCENCE of Prometheus' Altruism. 

How little is it for me to allow Radiation to peck out my Prostate ?

Along with my every-time Ordeal of Micturation, the Universe has sent me New Music, Answers to BIG Questions and even a "Milwaukee" Hammer-Drill, a $150 Item I garaged sale bought for FIFTY bucks. 

That's all I have for today which is a GIGANTIC Lie.

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

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