Sunday, June 23, 2019

Joy as Sorrow

I'm ingesting an "anti-Anxiety medicine, trade name Lisinopril, that is suppose to relieve me from Anxiety, the Anxiety that persists as "Am I gonna turn into a Radioactive MONSTER" ?  --- the One who is HIDEOUSLY Ugly, the One whose Human Form is ravaged by X-Radiation Penetration.  I gotta tell ya Kidz, my Imagination has NOT been significantly DE-Activated, I have Anxiety that the Anti Anxiety ISN'T "working" despite the quality reduction of Cosmic Questioning of the Why Me ?  Sort.  I don't care "Why Me" --Karma is Karma--- The Divine Intelligence has sought to burden me for What-Ever Reason --- who am I to question IT ???

What IS transpiring is a vibration from Joy-To-Be-Alive to Derelict Sorrow, the one that delivers Optimum Physical Misery as "Dude, you're so fucking LUCKY it's only Prostate Cancer and Nothing Far Worse."  This shit happens when I'm brushing my teeth---I get transported to Hidden Dimensions that should be Secret---I look into the mirror and see a Blur.

You know what that causes ?  You'll never guess -------------poetry.

I feel as if I should rite poems about the Vibration of Joy as Sorrow.

I shit you not.

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