Tuesday, March 24, 2020


I'm gonna leave this shit here, go outdoors and figure out how to attach a plywood door to the scaffolding I have tagged 'The War Wagon'.  Yesterday I removed the plastic tarp to use it to cover the load of yard waste and storm debris ultimately on its way to the Transfer Site. 

How it is that I can ignore the Suffering of the World to focus on MY idiot-syncracies is a Mystery.  I know that "it" is a reflective of "The Instinct of Self-Preservation", I NEED to insulate my Mind from such Biblical Atrocities that REEK of Blaspheme and Fundamentalist Depravity and Perversion.   At this juncture Life carries 2 Burdens >>  the First is "Life is a Mystery" <<  the 2nd >>  Life is a Plywood door on an old but still utterly useful Scaffold.

The Most Bitter Sorrow is  NO ONE HAS TO DIE.  Only the Profit Worshipers and Fundamentalist view Human Beings as Sacrificial Entities.



I've written all that I can today .

Rock steady........steady as She goes....

Everlasting Strife

Biblical Scholars record the cognative evidence that The Exodus lasted 40 Years in order to secure the Death of the Slave Mentality which existed among the Geriatric Senile-ified.  Moses may or may NOT have been privy to such Cosmic Atrocity, A Something that a Loving God, One who CHERISHED "All LIFE" and therefore should have been INCAPABLE of such HORRENDOUS Finality would NEVER have Decreed.  Presently, right wing conservatives, those that worship Profit, those who can remain FREE of Pandemic Capture, are issuing statements of (Instinctual) Jungle Law, that of "Dog eat dog" and "Every man for himself" >>which are the BACKBONE of  trumpism, and the Foundation of Conservative Evangelicalism.  Biblical Fundamentalism REJOICES in "An Eye for an Eye" Absolutism, the One of  "If you aren't Prosperous, it is bc you are a SINNER".  Here it is that The Old and Infirm MUST BE SACRIFICED in order to Accede to the Whim and Fancy of a Capricious God HELLBENT on the Extinction of Lazy Poor Folks who have seemingly VIOLATED the Law of  "If you work HARD , The Lord will Provide." 

Hand Insanity

There was a Post on FB >>>Some Guy wanted to go "ALL OUT" to dispense "Hand Sanitizer" TO THE HOMELESS.   I allowed myself an APOPLECTIC SEIZURE.  It's taken a day to recover.

I confess, I thought this Action was that of MORONIC INSENSITIVITY.  "PREPOSTEROUS" couldn't possibly APPROACH the Reality of this, what I considered to be, PATHETIC Attempt at "Good Samaritan" "Responsibility". 

I haven't fully recovered, but I'm better than I wuz.   I understand this seemingly UN-HEROIC Commiseration, Compassion resulting.  In the Realm of Utter Helplessness, there existed this Action of Compassion, i.e., SOMETHING TO DO !!!!!!   Who an I to condemn HIM and his Action to serve Humankind with what was available to him ?   

There is this Universal Concrete >>  "ALL Life is Sacred".   This Young Man should have been commended by me  not condemned.

"Welcome To The 12 Monkeys' House"

The Medical "Society" SHOULD have presented   "A Plan For National Quarantine"   a One that encompassed ALL the Subsistence and Bill Paying Exactions of the Working Poor as well as those of "Substantial" Means.  Here,  Cash Advances would manifest as GOVERNMENTAL Stipends, delivered with "Notice of Quarantine Restriction". 

Instead GARGANTUAN IMBECILITY was itself manifested as the American Congress, INFINITELY inept, was BEREFT of the Ability to Comprehend the GIGANTIC ENORMITY of dispensing Checks to those NOT ON THE TAXATION ROLLS, those that DO NOT "make enough" to actually PAY Taxes. 

Staggered I was, knocked to my knees by Suffocation.

I knew Congress was a Cesspool of Incompetence  but this ???????

Hypocrite-ic Oath

It is the sheer and CATACLYSMAL Imbecility of the American Medical "Society" that has caused me to run, pell-mell, to the intensive labor and utter RELIEF of 'Moving Rock' Giantivity. 

Closing Business WITHOUT any Regard for Paycheck-to-Paycheck Citizens, those IN NEED of IMMEDIATE Cash, is like closing School WITHOUT Parental Notification, busing kidz to their Homes where latchkeys are hidden and Entry is made IMPOSSIBLE. 

"This" from so-called EDUCATED and ENLIGHTENED "Doctors" ????

A defense CAN be erected in which The Condition of FIRE !  DEMANDED, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES !!!"   But no such "Condition" existed.  THERE WAS NO IMMEDIATE THREAT OF 'LIFE OR DEATH' .

Instead, there was AMPLE Time for Penetration of Future Analytical Ramifications. 

Did no one think to ask "Do these folks have the means to buy food ?"

Where is the Oath "First >   DO NO HARM" ?? !!!

Gory, Gory -- Alleluia

Logic requires that I now assume Responsibility for donald trump.  I do so grudgingly and only to accord with the Divine Intelligence, the "Maker of All Things".  My Will be done.

Trump, in his INFINITE Imbecility now has begun to warn Us of his impending Release of Isolation>>  he and his are set to Initialize the Status Quo, the one of "Business As Usual" >
The One where Individuals are NOT "The Foundation of the Empire" >>  the One where there ARE no "Individuals" but only "Slaves" identified as "Beasts of Burden" ===  ANIMALS that can be sent to Slaughter , Sacrifices to the God of Profit.     Trump      to revel in his GORY.


I haven't written in some time.  I am ashamed, guilty and morbidly delinquent.  There is NO Excuse.

Drafts of Compositions have accumulated at an alarming rate.  Days pass with deliberate debilitation, the result of a private disquietude beget by a malicious Inferiority that has plagued me since College.

I have claimed Responsibility for the Covid-19 Pandemic.  The Universe is a Strange Place and I am no "Stranger In Its Strange Land".  How many times have your read from my "Pen" >  "What the World NEEDS is a Universal "Cease Fire", Time to let the Smoke clear, and the Dust settle >>  Time to take the Wounded from the Battle Field, Time to Feed the Hungry, Care for the Children >> Time to get at least ONE Night of uninterrupted SLUMBER.'  [?] 

How I have DREAMED for the Battle Crazed and War Obsessed to 'come to their Senses' which in Reality are OUR "Senses" not the least of which is "Common Sense". 

There was no "Way", no "Mechanism of the Imagination" that could have been revealed to me that would, like a Magic Wand, impose a "The Day The Earth Stood Still" Apocalypse.

Yet here we are, on the cusp of a Global Standstill.