The Medical "Society" SHOULD have presented "A Plan For National Quarantine" a One that encompassed ALL the Subsistence and Bill Paying Exactions of the Working Poor as well as those of "Substantial" Means. Here, Cash Advances would manifest as GOVERNMENTAL Stipends, delivered with "Notice of Quarantine Restriction".
Instead GARGANTUAN IMBECILITY was itself manifested as the American Congress, INFINITELY inept, was BEREFT of the Ability to Comprehend the GIGANTIC ENORMITY of dispensing Checks to those NOT ON THE TAXATION ROLLS, those that DO NOT "make enough" to actually PAY Taxes.
Staggered I was, knocked to my knees by Suffocation.
I knew Congress was a Cesspool of Incompetence but this ???????
The great nun of the south one of the 5 saviors of shaolin after its destruction , the progenitor of white crane the founding principles of wing chum said this Martial artists and governing bodies will always find it easier to destroy than to fix, often the lies of rulers are that they are fixing the people’s suffering and yet their evil is in their concealed destruction.Even when destroyers think they are saving the people their naturAl path of destruction is revealed.true men and women martial artists must lead by showing what it is to do no harm, this example will show the way as people awaken to the rulers lies,,, it takes great martial skills to learn what it means to protect that which is the valuabl( all the people) Here I will not go on , just to say master Desilv is a finger pointing directly at the moon, understand this important message he conveys and act accordently