Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Everlasting Strife

Biblical Scholars record the cognative evidence that The Exodus lasted 40 Years in order to secure the Death of the Slave Mentality which existed among the Geriatric Senile-ified.  Moses may or may NOT have been privy to such Cosmic Atrocity, A Something that a Loving God, One who CHERISHED "All LIFE" and therefore should have been INCAPABLE of such HORRENDOUS Finality would NEVER have Decreed.  Presently, right wing conservatives, those that worship Profit, those who can remain FREE of Pandemic Capture, are issuing statements of (Instinctual) Jungle Law, that of "Dog eat dog" and "Every man for himself" >>which are the BACKBONE of  trumpism, and the Foundation of Conservative Evangelicalism.  Biblical Fundamentalism REJOICES in "An Eye for an Eye" Absolutism, the One of  "If you aren't Prosperous, it is bc you are a SINNER".  Here it is that The Old and Infirm MUST BE SACRIFICED in order to Accede to the Whim and Fancy of a Capricious God HELLBENT on the Extinction of Lazy Poor Folks who have seemingly VIOLATED the Law of  "If you work HARD , The Lord will Provide." 


  1. Glen Beck and many conservative media and Christian evangelicals are now telling their audiences,that people over 50 should be patriotic and go to work,,,they need to save capitalistic economy and that’s most important not life...In my opinion and Darwin’s if your a true conservative patriot you should immediately go back to work,,,Little Big Man said it best General you say you want to go down their though I told it was a bad idea ,,mWell General you are right you go right down there yellow hair General Custer

  2. Over millennia the Earth, Universe, God has cleansed this planet in one form or another. Disease, floods, tsunami's hurricanes, volcanoes and always life comes back. This doesn't mean that the sacrifice is worth it but it is life. We are born, we die we are born again
