Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Hand Insanity

There was a Post on FB >>>Some Guy wanted to go "ALL OUT" to dispense "Hand Sanitizer" TO THE HOMELESS.   I allowed myself an APOPLECTIC SEIZURE.  It's taken a day to recover.

I confess, I thought this Action was that of MORONIC INSENSITIVITY.  "PREPOSTEROUS" couldn't possibly APPROACH the Reality of this, what I considered to be, PATHETIC Attempt at "Good Samaritan" "Responsibility". 

I haven't fully recovered, but I'm better than I wuz.   I understand this seemingly UN-HEROIC Commiseration, Compassion resulting.  In the Realm of Utter Helplessness, there existed this Action of Compassion, i.e., SOMETHING TO DO !!!!!!   Who an I to condemn HIM and his Action to serve Humankind with what was available to him ?   

There is this Universal Concrete >>  "ALL Life is Sacred".   This Young Man should have been commended by me  not condemned.

1 comment:

  1. If you see somebody shoveling shit against the tide no reason to condem,but get him out of the shit wash his mind and guide him to were the tidal flow will aid and not impead his well meaning intention of futility,,,even just suggesting he should save his sacred heart is wisdom
