It is the sheer and CATACLYSMAL Imbecility of the American Medical "Society" that has caused me to run, pell-mell, to the intensive labor and utter RELIEF of 'Moving Rock' Giantivity.
Closing Business WITHOUT any Regard for Paycheck-to-Paycheck Citizens, those IN NEED of IMMEDIATE Cash, is like closing School WITHOUT Parental Notification, busing kidz to their Homes where latchkeys are hidden and Entry is made IMPOSSIBLE.
"This" from so-called EDUCATED and ENLIGHTENED "Doctors" ????
A defense CAN be erected in which The Condition of FIRE ! DEMANDED, "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES !!!" But no such "Condition" existed. THERE WAS NO IMMEDIATE THREAT OF 'LIFE OR DEATH' .
Instead, there was AMPLE Time for Penetration of Future Analytical Ramifications.
Did no one think to ask "Do these folks have the means to buy food ?"
Where is the Oath "First > DO NO HARM" ?? !!!
Knowledge and intelligence ain’t compassion and wisdom,,,,,,I no how to cure him a cliff will do