Thursday, February 25, 2021

Reality I Land

 I'm gonna leave this here, I'm gonna-go have some rice and fresh Kim Chee, seaweed soup with bean paste, then, I'm gonna 'settle in' to finish the 125 pages that remain in Shoshana's MASTERPIECE.

To reside in Beauty, fully content.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....


 I will speak of 'Residing In Truth' where 'Truth' IZ Beauty.  And Here, not Only is Truth >> Beauty ~~~ Beauty IZ Reality.  Here, also,  Reality IZ Existence and so Existence IZ Beauty.  Reality,  therefore becomes Beauty AS Existence.  Existence IZ Beautiful >>  FULL of Beauty.

I will speak of Residing IN each Bird Call, as if to DECIPHER Its 'Code of Existence'.  As the Crow signals REALITY with each, "Caw, Caw, Caw",  proclaiming "The Truth Is Just Like This"  >> I have been 'locked-in' and I mean INFINITELY > Locked-fucking-IN, so much so that I dare not move, I breathe through my BODY, tingling with Sensation, SATURATED with Reality.

Oh my oh my oh my ....................... 

Rumi Tism

I must supplement Shoshana's Beauty with the Status Quo LUXURY of Kahlil Gibran and the "Avant-Garde Futurism" of my Islamic Mentor of Arabic Zen Sword Sufism >> Rumi .   They would not Hesitate to Impose the Word > Perfection < into the PRISTINE Scene of Shoshana's Work-Space Delirium nor would they exclude 'Reverie' from the Description of Pre-Writing Disposition.  "Been There" -------live There.

"Inside Out"

 Generally, "Authorial Intrusion" is `committed` only when the Author MUST Guarantee that his or her FEELINGS are generated as ABSOLUTE Expression,  a Heart and SOUL Manifestation of Writer and Story Enmeshment, the one of "Mutual Interpenetration".  Here, the ESSENCE of both the Story and the Author are Revealed as a `Kind-of` 'Confession', the one of, "There just aint no words to fucking DESCRIBE this 'scene', so I GOTTA Step In to give you gize the REAL."  I know Enough to Search-Out these "Authorial Intrusions", they render a Particular 'Truth" that CANNOT be Ignored, given the Depth Quality of Core and Inner Being `Sensation`.  

Sufi In Di-Skies

 I would never think to lay bare my daily rituals WITHOUT sarcasm, contempt and a grandiose denigration of my EGO-Self, the one that is Noble ONLY in Intention and Surmise.  Just so you know, the Rituals GIVE me Literary Life AND they double as the so-called "Experience of Enlightenment" Identified by Those Devoted to the Bodhisattva 'Manjushri'.  Here, as Image,  Manjushri is iconographically depicted with a rasied 'Sword of Wisdom' in one outstretched arm, while his other holds the Sacred 'Heart Sutra'.  I lay claim to brandishing REAL Life and Death Sword as well as`Sword as Pen`, the one of The Arabic Buddhist Zen Sword Sufi who extols, "The Ink of Scholars is more Valuable than the  Blood of Martyrs".  I want that.  I want to be that guy.

Raw Shoshana

 "I wake early.  The day begins before I open my eyes.  My mind is in motion.  Words and sentences have streamed through my dreams, solving problems on yesterday's pages.  The first work of the day is to retrieve those words that lay open a puzzle.  Only then am I ready to awaken my senses.  I try to discern each bird call in the symphony outside my windows :  the phoebe, redwing, blue jay, mockingbird, woodpecker, finch, starling, and chickadee.  Soaring above all their songs are the cries from the geese over the lake.  I splash warm water on my face, drink cool water to coax my body into alertness, and commune with our dog in the still silent house.  I make coffee and bring it into my study, where I settle into my desk chair, call up the screen, and begin.  I think.  I write these words and imagine you reading them.  I do this every day of every week--as I have for several years--and likely I will continue to do so for one or two years to come."

Thursday, February 18, 2021

"What you did to me, I'm doin' to YOU"

 There it is, rite there.  The Capitol Building wasn't just the Symbol of Democracy and by Attribution America;;  IT WAS A SYMBOL OF THEIR >>>>>>>>>LIVES<<<<<<<<<<<<.   Now the Insurrection can make Sense ON A PSYCHOLOGICAL Level -------- .  The Instances and Nuances of a Migrational ALIEN INVASION and a SLAVE INSURRECTION had to be countered by an INSURGENCY that DEMANDED Full Force Initiative and PATRIOTIC AGENCY if Victory was to be achieved.  Here it is where Folks BELIEVE their Lives HAVE BEEN STOLEN !!!!!!!!!!!!!





For this I FEEL for them.


Rock Steady........steady as She goes....

Klan Klowns and Hillbilly Hee Hauteur

 I've had `desire` to make the Case for VALID Protest on behalf of the Red Neck Army, the Lunatic Fringe, Evangelical Apostates, trumpist Neo-Nazis and let's not leave behind the Klan Klowns and the Fat Cat Capitalists who skulk in the shadows of Perversion and Depravity.  Of these Inglorious Wretched it is the red necks of Vance's "Hillbilly Hee Hauteur" that would need my assistance given their MARGINAL Intellectual Acuity.  Despite their FERAL `kinship` to American Democracy, I must confess, I feel as THEY do >> that America, check that THEIR America,, is fucked fucking uP.  I mean I AGREE.   It's just that we got us some differences, seein' as how I'm Educated and such. 

They DESERVE a Voice, I dont give a fuck WHO you ARE or In What You Believe >>>  As Citizens FREE SPEECH is a GUARANTEED Constitutional RIGHT.  Problem iz them red necks dont speek the English nun to good.   That's where I come in.

Infinite Infamy

 I was reading Shoshana Zuboff when I had an 'Occurance'.  I sat back and closed my eyes to see it in my Mind's Eye and to Feel its Relevance.  Normally, I'd sleep on it simply to make certain it had any Validity.

I got some lunch instead, a can of `SUPER Brain Food`-- "Chef Boyardee Beefaroni" garnished with a brick of cheddar cheese and half a steer of Pepperoni.  I did try to return to Shoshana but I got the Plague.  I didn't want to be plagued with the `Occurance`,, figuring it would prevent a deep slumber,, and since I couldn't be certain if or if NOT the Universe was Signalling>>>>>>>here I am as words on this screen.

Clearly I cannot rest bc of the Images and Videos of the Insurrection.  The Image of a U.S. Flag and flagpole being used as a battering device upon U.S. Officers, some of which were ideologically ALIGNED WITH the Insurrectionist has penetrated to the Essence of my Core .  How could it be that a Cathedral of America could be so UTTERLY DE-SANCTIFIED ??? !!!!   The Capitol Building as SYMBOL should have endured as SACROSANCT and therefore INVIOLABLE .  Nope, no even a wit.  Desecrated it was, and that, into Infinite INFAMY.

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Zombie-otic Furiocity

 I'm gotta leave this here for today.  Just so you know the End is a Re-Qualification of Socialism to make it a more conducive Agent of Lubrication, a One that can EASE Capitalism out of its Fortress.  For now, it appears that only NO ONE iz-gonna Accept the FACT that THE LOVE OF MONEY Manifested as PRIMAL Capitalism iz THE ULTIMATE ORIGIN AND SOURCE OF RAPACIOUS MATERIALISM and that IT is ONE of the CAUSES of the Decline and Fall of the American Republic.

Rock Steady........Steady as She goes....

...when Ink becomes Venom...

 I know better than to `write with my Heart`.  HeartSpeak endangers Raw Logic with a Romanticism that BETRAYS Highest Level MIND Generation, meaning,, `HeartSpeak` IZ the Logic of Emotion and among those [Heart-Felt] Emotions PASSION can DEVOLVE into Passionate CYNICISM.  Here, Ink becomes Venom.  Emotion POISONS Logic and Rationality.  You know that >>>I<<< know that________still....  Were I to be slashed, by INNOCENT Demon LUCK,, I would bleed Ink.  The Maker Of All Things was satisfied His or Her Creation, who am I to complain of it ?

There remains NO WAY to describe the events of January 6th.  Even ASTRONOMICAL BEWILDERMENT cannot reach the TECTONIC Level of American DIVISION.  Never before have TWO REALITIES  "Occupied the SAME SPACE AT THE SAME TIME"  Einstein ASSURED us of this INFINITE IMPOSSIBILITY, Yet, here we are,  TWO WORLDS IN COLLISION.

Now we are "IN YOUR FACE" Confronted by a Challenge from which even the GODS would shirk.  ALL Natural Physics and even  QUANTUM MECHANICS can NOT Provide an Experiential Reality that would COMFORTABLY allow Reconciliation.  

Supposedly, in the Realm of Possibilities, One Such DUZ Exist but it has yet to be Revealed as OPTIMAL OUTCOME given the Nature of These Two Worlds.  What has occurred as a RESULT of this so-called Collision is a CATASTROPHIC ENMESHMENT that Unleashed nothing but VIOLENT 
"Headwinds" that Obstruct Any and ALL Efforts at BENEFICIAL Countervail-ence.  

"Nice guys finish LAST".

 I'm at a Point where I need a Word that gets BEYOND "Bewilderment".  A Word that SOMEHOW surrounds Bewilderment with EGREGIOUS >Calumny< which can be applied to Bewilderment in order to secure an IMMEDIATE `Grasp` of  a FOCUSED Observation of INCOMPREHENSIBLE Political [Governmental] Exigency, where Exigency (somehow) `doubles` as Civilizational Human ATROCITY.

That the democraps are PRAISING themselves for a "Job Well Done" (with regard to the Impeachment Proceedings) iz   >>>>>>  BE-------FUCKING-------WILDERING !!!!!!!!!!!!    

TRUMP AND HIS ARE FREE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Although "History has been Served"   JUSTICE WAS NOT  !!!!!!!!!!

Where there SHOULD-HAVE-BEEN a Raging PITCHED BATTLE with Bayonets FIXED and Swords DRAWN, there was only the PATHETIC Whimper of >>Cowardry<< Gone-the-Way-of school-yard Recess  CONFORMITY.  

There was not ONE `Casualty` among the RepubliKKKan {RepubliCON}  "Party".  Not ONE was `wounded` in ANY Way, Shape or Form.  If ANYTHING,,,  they were made STRONGER and EMBOLDENED !

Nice job fellahs.  Nice, nice,, nice...


Write as Rain

 It's raining----an early March rain, drenching the blanket of snow, soaking it---causing the Fog that only End-Of-Winter Defrost can determine.  There is an `ice-dampness` that has permeated my marrow. Old age sucks............and then Spring is an EON away.

I've been dissatisfied with my 'Twitter' `Column` as of late.  The 'Insight' is there, I've been able to access Jung, Campbell,, Erik Erikson,,, all with a Toynbee-esque Flattery that encompasses Orwellian, and even Marxian `logistics`.  I am Driven by Common Sense Simplicity otherwise tagged as The Gallogly-Demers-Exaction, the one of Occam's [Ockham] Razor, retrofitted as Sword, ::   the One whereby Truth is laid bare by Sword `slashes` that excise ubiquitous Fallacies.  For an old man, it's exhausting.  Every-Day appears as MONSTROUS >>Cur--Mud--Geon<<  meaning ME.  The Battle is ME, it's ALWAYS Me, I hardly eva Win.................still the Battle rages.

Social Commentary is to include, check that, MUST include a "Compare and Contrast" QUALITY that has as Its Foundation PLUTARCHIAN Analysis.  Here it is where Comparing trump and biden is an Exercise of VALUATION, with regard to Civilizational INFLUENCE.  Yet this THIS alone CANNOT manufacture Understanding and even when It DUZ full Apprehension is restricted by the extent of Extrapolations that can be Identified as Ancillary Ramifications.  Here it is where Writer Shortcomings become viewed as "Yeah, so what ?"   

I HATE this "Yeah, so what?"