Thursday, February 18, 2021

Klan Klowns and Hillbilly Hee Hauteur

 I've had `desire` to make the Case for VALID Protest on behalf of the Red Neck Army, the Lunatic Fringe, Evangelical Apostates, trumpist Neo-Nazis and let's not leave behind the Klan Klowns and the Fat Cat Capitalists who skulk in the shadows of Perversion and Depravity.  Of these Inglorious Wretched it is the red necks of Vance's "Hillbilly Hee Hauteur" that would need my assistance given their MARGINAL Intellectual Acuity.  Despite their FERAL `kinship` to American Democracy, I must confess, I feel as THEY do >> that America, check that THEIR America,, is fucked fucking uP.  I mean I AGREE.   It's just that we got us some differences, seein' as how I'm Educated and such. 

They DESERVE a Voice, I dont give a fuck WHO you ARE or In What You Believe >>>  As Citizens FREE SPEECH is a GUARANTEED Constitutional RIGHT.  Problem iz them red necks dont speek the English nun to good.   That's where I come in.

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