Tuesday, February 16, 2021

...when Ink becomes Venom...

 I know better than to `write with my Heart`.  HeartSpeak endangers Raw Logic with a Romanticism that BETRAYS Highest Level MIND Generation, meaning,, `HeartSpeak` IZ the Logic of Emotion and among those [Heart-Felt] Emotions PASSION can DEVOLVE into Passionate CYNICISM.  Here, Ink becomes Venom.  Emotion POISONS Logic and Rationality.  You know that >>>I<<< know that________still....  Were I to be slashed, by INNOCENT Demon LUCK,, I would bleed Ink.  The Maker Of All Things was satisfied His or Her Creation, who am I to complain of it ?

There remains NO WAY to describe the events of January 6th.  Even ASTRONOMICAL BEWILDERMENT cannot reach the TECTONIC Level of American DIVISION.  Never before have TWO REALITIES  "Occupied the SAME SPACE AT THE SAME TIME"  Einstein ASSURED us of this INFINITE IMPOSSIBILITY, Yet, here we are,  TWO WORLDS IN COLLISION.

Now we are "IN YOUR FACE" Confronted by a Challenge from which even the GODS would shirk.  ALL Natural Physics and even  QUANTUM MECHANICS can NOT Provide an Experiential Reality that would COMFORTABLY allow Reconciliation.  

Supposedly, in the Realm of Possibilities, One Such DUZ Exist but it has yet to be Revealed as OPTIMAL OUTCOME given the Nature of These Two Worlds.  What has occurred as a RESULT of this so-called Collision is a CATASTROPHIC ENMESHMENT that Unleashed nothing but VIOLENT 
"Headwinds" that Obstruct Any and ALL Efforts at BENEFICIAL Countervail-ence.  

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