Thursday, February 25, 2021


 I will speak of 'Residing In Truth' where 'Truth' IZ Beauty.  And Here, not Only is Truth >> Beauty ~~~ Beauty IZ Reality.  Here, also,  Reality IZ Existence and so Existence IZ Beauty.  Reality,  therefore becomes Beauty AS Existence.  Existence IZ Beautiful >>  FULL of Beauty.

I will speak of Residing IN each Bird Call, as if to DECIPHER Its 'Code of Existence'.  As the Crow signals REALITY with each, "Caw, Caw, Caw",  proclaiming "The Truth Is Just Like This"  >> I have been 'locked-in' and I mean INFINITELY > Locked-fucking-IN, so much so that I dare not move, I breathe through my BODY, tingling with Sensation, SATURATED with Reality.

Oh my oh my oh my ....................... 

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