I was reading Shoshana Zuboff when I had an 'Occurance'. I sat back and closed my eyes to see it in my Mind's Eye and to Feel its Relevance. Normally, I'd sleep on it simply to make certain it had any Validity.
I got some lunch instead, a can of `SUPER Brain Food`-- "Chef Boyardee Beefaroni" garnished with a brick of cheddar cheese and half a steer of Pepperoni. I did try to return to Shoshana but I got the Plague. I didn't want to be plagued with the `Occurance`,, figuring it would prevent a deep slumber,, and since I couldn't be certain if or if NOT the Universe was Signalling>>>>>>>here I am as words on this screen.
Clearly I cannot rest bc of the Images and Videos of the Insurrection. The Image of a U.S. Flag and flagpole being used as a battering device upon U.S. Officers, some of which were ideologically ALIGNED WITH the Insurrectionist has penetrated to the Essence of my Core . How could it be that a Cathedral of America could be so UTTERLY DE-SANCTIFIED ??? !!!! The Capitol Building as SYMBOL should have endured as SACROSANCT and therefore INVIOLABLE . Nope, no even a wit. Desecrated it was, and that, into Infinite INFAMY.
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