Friday, June 3, 2022


           It aint that I just wanna be known for being 'Mental'----------I wanna be MONU-Mental--- that's the 'running gag' in which I indulge.   I tried to find a something for 'mental patient', I got nothin'..... I could never be a doctor because I have no patience.   {i crap myself uP}.   My EGO Subsumes the Universe--shoveling a ton of loam, being ABLE to shovel a ton isn't enough---it isn't enough to Satisfy me----ANYONE can shovel a ton----now should I endure to NINETY  and shovel a ton THEN ---well THAT'd be Something----damn straight it would----------I look Forward to Dying from Over Exertion at least I'd Die with my Boots On  ---the so-called Working Man's Glory .   

          [    ] ....and beneath all that {stupor-ficial} is my Samurai Arrogance---the one that is INTENT upon PROVING that a Zen Swords'Man is capable of "Walking through walls" and ACTIVELY generating a Beauty that can Lighten Loads and imbue Visual KINDNESS and do so with the EASE of Mastery and Mechanics {Me CAN ics}.  [    ]....and all those years and years of seated Meditation affords me access to the Hidden Realms and Coveted Dimensions of Imagination, Wonder,  and  Vision thereby supplying me with seemingly ENDLESS Resolve to 'Enhance' Mother Nature with Human {Foundry}.   

         Believe me,,, I have Issues.

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