Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Seek and ye shall grind ...

           The Role of Martial Arts Instructors of ALL Disciplines is `To make the students BIGGER, SMARTER, FASTER and STRONGER`.   The Physical Attributes should not need any magnification, but 'Smarter' is "Cerebral" in that Self Defense is SUPPOSE-to-be Spiritual in Nature, and the Study of Martial Arts is >at the most Primal<, the Study of REALITY defined by Motion {as} Meditation.   Here it is where Self Penetration is not only Experienced Inwardly as `Accessing Universal Energy` but manifests Outwardly as Self Expression.   Self Penetration is simply 'boring into' the walls that `protect` Wisdom .  I believe it is safe to write, Wisdom 'leads to' Enlightenment,  here, Wisdom must be seen as Dharma [Truth].  One's Self is the Universal One of which the singular 'Self' is unified.  Oddly, ( and somewhat {aggravatingly} the Universe finds it Necessary to GUARD Wisdom so as to FORCE Seekers to Sacrifice and WORK to find It, DESPITE Wisdom's "All/Everywhere 'Force Posture' " .    It is far EZ-ER to Teach the Acquisition of Wisdom than to whip and lash the Basic Motions of Self Defense Physicality.   "SMARTER" is engagement of the Mind in the Effort to 'enhance' ConsciousNess that it may better ACCEPT Reality-as-The Ultimate.   

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