Wednesday, June 8, 2022

Shudder Failure


          Thousands upon thousands of you folks haven't wondered `Exactly how does "No Thought No Mind" generate Text ?`.    Well, it's like a cement mixer.   The EmptyNess of the barrel (or bin) is partially filled by thoughts, experiences, readings and words and left to spin and mix until the batch is ready.  Once set in motion, the only thing required is a brief check, just to make certain that the unit remains 'plugged in' .

          So it is with Master Fortin's "Handbook For Kwan Um Do Kwang Instructors" .   I have evidenced various (and sundry) resources and set my "Im-Movable" in Motion, trusting the Physics and the Dharma to blend the Ingredients into USABLE Condition .   Most days, I don't even bother to check on it, such is the true nature of Trust.

          There's this {phuqqued-uP} that borders on Zen Master Yogi Berra Profundity, it is this, "When its ready, it'll be ready."  Shit like this makes Captain Obvious WINCE .   I shudder and twitch ..........

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