Friday, June 3, 2022

TB or not TB

           [    ]......but Know this :    a 'Superiority Complex' is based upon abject INFERIORITY,  ask any Psychologist or Psychiatrist, they will concur.  Of this I suffer and I suffer greatly.

          I'm  in  my  71st  Orbit  Around  The Sun, I've  yet  to  find  the wherewithal  to pen the  Effects of Upbringing because in the so-called "Cozmic Scheme Of Things" I had a GOOD upbringing, the  one  that  a  Portuguese   Catholic  would  Praise  as  steadfastly  Wonderful.        [    ]....hardly that because my now bless-ed Inferiority DEMANDS I over-achieve by using the deepest and most profound GUILT  ---> the Guilt that only Parents can inflict.   [    ]....and so I struggle .

          There's this :  If I were ANYTHING then I'd be Something.  It's Mind Cancer I KNOW.

          I also know that Mind Cancer Can't be Cured, it's like TB, it can only be Arrested.



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