Thursday, June 9, 2022

S Sense

           'Self Penetration' is simply another way of `saying` "Seeing into one's Self [and the Attainment of Buddhahood".   Penetration implies Exertion as opposed to mere Contemplation, Reflection,, or even Circumspection--all of which `carry` a `sense` of {regional} passivity to their application.  'Drilling' supplies the proper address because of its physics---the turning of the bit and the cutting of material in the Effort to 'get to the bottom' where Essence lies.  This Essence is {of course} the Buddha-Nature itself, otherwise referred to as 'Enlightenment' the Attainment of which ENDS the Cycle of Birth-Death-and Rebirth, and which is glamorized as "Becoming ONE, Infinite Time, Infinite Space".   The so-called "Infinite Time, Infinite Space" is further {determined} by the term "Samsara" a `Psychological Realm' of Perfection where Perfection is a Mental Utopia where Suffering is NON-Existent and both Life and Death Exist and DO NOT Exist at the exact same time.  {"No Life and Death and also no Extinction of them."}



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