Thursday, June 9, 2022

"...Happy-Ness in Strife"


          Dr. Ken Ring  and  Dr. Joseph  Campbell speak of "the terror filled pitfalls of the 'Inward Journey' ".    Thing about That ???    What {the fuk} is the Alternative ?!

          I've been reluctant [if not abjectly reticent] to offer the `Works` of Steve Winwood as Protective Armor against the Primal Savagery of Self Penetration {the so-called "terror-filled pitfalls"} yet I do so Now in my Effort to introduce the Curious to the 'Inward Journey' .  Of Great Import is Traffic's "John Barleycorn Must Die" as it contains Winwood's Descriptions of his Life's ------------------Explorations.  

          There is also Dr. William James' The Will To Believe which is Cerebral in both Form and Function but offers {Sword} Insights into Psychological Realities that 'cuts through' debilitative Emotionalism by examining Inner Fears and describing their Effect upon Waking Conscious.

Rock Steady........Steady az She goze....




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