Sunday, July 10, 2022

Slo-motion Lightning

           It's been awhile~~~~  I've been going through a series of molts, --->Vital Transformations---<  that have forced me to suspend writing operations to a point of "I may not return".    Some of  >it<  is due to Demon Intervention, none of which is helpful in accessing Originality, that one thing that defines Style and  qualifies Expression ::: some of which is External Pressures, those of Sensory Bombardment that affects and Effects Judgement and Desire-Ability .   I admit to  Cowardice as well.   Rather than Direct Confrontation I chose the Outward Acts of Rage Sublimation, a returning to Safe Havens and Idyllic Sanctuaries of Tried and Trusted Resolves, those of Inner Emptiness and Outer Industry.   Residing in these ---------------------------------------settings <<<   affords Room and Space to Breathe--- .  Here there is a Just Now  that IS Protection from Civilization itself, a Present Civilization that denies its Responsibility to Respond to Human Suffering--- the Noblest Cause--- and instead to Exert Immeasurable Pressure on the Effort to Maintain a Status Quo whose Trajectory summarily Rejects Socio-Political Evolution thereby GUARANTEEING not just a Standstill, but a heinous Degeneration, a Return as it were, to Times of inchoate, nay, BLASPHEME-IC Primality, the one of Jungle Law, and Street/Gutter Perversional Criminality.   

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