Monday, July 11, 2022

Orbitron the Galaxian

           I find no need to defend the existence of Extra-Dimensional Entities at this juncture in our examination of the Forces that govern, in an Influential manner, the various Arts, including the Art of Rhetorical Exposition.   Demon Energies, such as those generated by our Tengu Masters, are NOT wholly negative but serve in a very POSITIVE Manner, to ensure the extraction, by us, of disciplined Purity, the so-called Devotion to our Art, that itself MUST be activated in PROLONGED Unrelenting Effort, if Originality and Authenticity is to be manifested as {in} Profound Insight and Juris-Prudential Magnanimity.   'It' is As If Demons and their Energies ACT as Guardians of Unseen and VASTLY Secretive Wisdom{s} and Knowledge{s} to Guarantee Universal Ancient Profundities, that if Stolen by the Unworthy would inflict ENORMOUS Dis-Health and further, act to contaminate and/or corrupt Cozmic Consciousness to the point of Degenerative Disembodiment, the one of callus disregard of Altruistic Absolution.   Indeed, Buddhism Itself has MANY Guardians and Protectors of the Dharma, Warriors of and for Truth, whose Role it is to Prevent such contamination and corruption by those whose self-serving interests DENY and DEFY the Religion of Practice, the Daily Veneration of ALL the Cozmic Absolutes upon which Divine ConsciousNess Rests.  

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