Sunday, July 10, 2022

Holy Phuq

           I chanced upon this sentence yesterday morning while irrigating the micro-mini corn crop ::  "Feigning Humility just strengthens my Arrogance".   You can see how FRAUGHT it is with Ramificational Transgressions .   I'm SUPPOSE-TUH-BE  "A lowly Priest from Hunan Province", I mean, almost ALL my Development was `geared` toward "walking the Path, Humble, like the dust" ---yet HARDLY has that been my 'lot'.  Scholarship and Sword'smanship have forged a Mind that routinely abuses Humility,  the Ancient Chinese refer to > it< as "Arrogant Dragon" and further admonishes, "Arrogant Dragon will have cause to Repent".   Repentance ----  THAT is what I live----in COMPLETE Contradiction to Samurai Arrogance --- my Templar Warrior Vindictive somehow---despite my Devotion to Christ and His Teaching of  Parochial Generosity .   

          Jesus said, "I do not come to bring Peace----I come to bring Sword".

          Yup -----------

         Holy Phuq gets us there.

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