Monday, July 11, 2022

The Me in Time

           Care must be taken not to OVER-Romanticize the True Nature of Demon Influence, according Them god-like Protectionism of the Secretive and UnSeen.   Applying Ancient Acumen to {as} Present-Day Sophistry MAY cause some Confusion when the Psycho-Active NOW Demands Scientific Geometry, in  the  Form  of  Quantum  Mechanic  Physics,  in  order  to  Define  Reality  [so]  that  Understanding, Comprehension and APPREHENSION be {Conditionally} evidenced within Perceptual Congruence {Congruity} >>> {the Visual and Physical Aesthetic}.    In other words,,,  Esoteric Shit MUST "Make Sense" on the Common Plane of Existence, the Day-To-Day Reality of "Just Now" Intimacy, the Intimacy of Individual Psyche and Universal Mind if Just Reg'lar Folks are to accept that they [WE] are "Children of the Universe" and as such MUST adhere to Divine Principles as they [WE] make our Way through Time.  

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