Sunday, July 24, 2022

Miss Placed sed, `Marbleous just marbleless`

          I've lost my marbles---check that---I've misplaced my marbles except for the Japanese tea cup that houses my glass cats----the ha lf pint of my Life's Marbles remains in a location I figured would be IMPOSSIBLE to forget .   Yup---Geriatric Imbecility at its most Cruel . 

          Thing is, I can't remember WHY I re-located them in the first place >>>  I'm figuring if I could remember WHY <<<   their hiding place would be revealed .  I haven't even looked in a MILLION places.  It's as if I have generated the most PROFOUND Excuse for NOT doing a goddamn fucking thing; I can't because "I've lost my marbles".    I'm a sick man, Sick I tell you,,, REALLY FUCKING SICK !!!


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