Friday, October 4, 2024

Authorial Prerogative

                  If we adhere to the structure of the song we can extrapolate meaning from the 'demonstration' stanza .   What the demonstrators WANT is supplanted by what they NEED which is to "vent" their "frustrations" hence, the refrain .  What is puzzling is Jagger's, " get my fair share of abuse."  The default position {aka "the EZ way out"} is to attribute this puzzle to authtorial prerogative meaning author's secret .  I do so now .

             It is imperative to remember this line :  " get your prescription filled" .   This indicates that the entire song is Jagger relating his observations to his friend which I consider to be female although there is NO evidence of this .   This Song is for his friend, much more than a recounting,  a SLEDGE-HAMMERING* to impress upon his friend the words of the refrain .   It MAY be that his friend his akin to the wine drinking blood dealer, an addict perhaps or one under the influence of some other addiction .

             The final line is :  "Ah yeah, do that" which is set case for "TRY" {to get straight ?}.... and so we have come "full circle".  


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