Friday, October 4, 2024

Miss Spent

                  In any analysis there's always speculation and conjecture, mostly based upon the reader's experiences.   My English Lit. Professor, Dr. Moynihan, use to discourage both speculation and conjecture by impressing upon us this :  "What did the AUTHOR write ?"   

          Certainly some time has elapsed in between Jagger's first observation = "A glass of wine in her hand" and the second = "In her glass was a bleeding man" .  He wrote that he went to a demonstration and after that to a drugstore ---- more than enough time for our 'heroine' to get her heroin .  

          Of troubling measure is Mr. Jimmy himself, who appears to Jagger to be SERIOUSLY ill -----After Jagger sings a song to him, Mr. Jimmy utters "...dead" ; at which point Jagger activates the refrain . What's THAT 'all about' ?

           And then there's the "demonstration" ... .


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