Friday, October 4, 2024

Miss Creant

                  It is the final stanza of "You Can't Always Get What You Want" that is the most difficult to address .  Jagger supplements his primary observation with, "In her glass was a bleeding man /  She was practiced at the art of deception / Well, I could tell by her blood stained hands ."  I mean, what happened to her "footloose man" ?   

           Seeing her "blood-stained hands" is the same as seeing a "bleeding man in her glass" --- here now, symbolism ONLY .   Evidently it was SHE who is responsible for the bleeding man in her glass --- his blood now visible [only to those that can See] on her hands .  I am hard-pressed to deem her accomplished, because if she were TRULY "practiced" would she then leave her hands unwashed ?  

            Is her "footloose man" a symbol for Heroin ?  From first stanza to last, has she gotten what she wanted, a "fix"  and has THAT been represented by "blood-stained hands" ???   Is her "art of deception" a one of self-delusion ( ? )  ---  getting HY and thinking no one can see ?   I'm GUESSING Jagger KNOWS she's a junkie--- BECAUSE he KNOWS her,, he knows when she is HY .  

            Still, Jagger uses her and her "condition" as an example of not getting what you want but instead getting what you need .   For me, this THIS is "tough sledding" .


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