Thursday, October 3, 2024

Miss Shapen

                             On the surface Jagger's words appear nothing more than a gentle prod,,, clearly Mick believes that if you DON'T "Try" you may or may not "get what you need" .  He's a champion of Effort .  I say, `Good for Mick` .

              We don't know the odds for success if Effort is applied ,  nor do we know what is to be expected if Effort is NOT applied .    Is this >It< now a thing of "Helter Skelter" (?) a random {seemingly chaotic} episode of Chance (?) --- if that is so, then trying or not trying is a "crap shoot"  where outcomes are governed by the haphazard "roll of the dice" .   I mean ,,, there's that .   Here, then, when thrown up a against a Cosmic Background, Life becomes a "crap shoot"  --- a game in which "Lady Luck" is the Ultimate and Supreme --- a Goddess of Fate, Karma and Destiny whose whim and fancy can determine both Success and Failure .    I confess ---   I'm no fan .  

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