Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Condition of Condition

           The Universe awakened me at 1:28--I've no idea why.  Generally, the Call to Write is the Reason~~~  the Universe sends me Info to be recorded and transmitted to an unwary Public innocent of the Nature and Direction of  Intent, meaning, I am just a Conduit for Universal Spillage; stuff on this screen is suppose to appear "of its own accord", I mean, it'd be great if I had an agenda that includes [is the result of] some sort  of Schedule,{where schedule MAY be syllabus} {{I mean shit---if only}}.    Instead of any Agenda [in lieu] I have a reliance upon Feeling---(which is why I sucked at my Major)---whereby Feeling is NECESSARY for the NEED to ryte.  I'm unreliable .

          It's not that I don't `work on` shit--- Thoughts as drafts are ever-present in my Psyche-- I 'hold' them as I work which then allows Formulation ---that is -- the Whole becomes self aware as Knowledge and in the best cases Wisdom-------when this occurs the shit  writes itself in the Exact same way that once you Master Sword Forms the Forms "DO" you .   

          I am loath to supply incomplete copy .   Open-ended MindlessfullNess implies {speaks of} inability and/or laziness---BOTH when daunt and whelm have activated disTrust, Doubt and Suspicion .  I sometimes wish there was a Pill for that  ....................................

Saturday, August 20, 2022

The cat without a hat fights back


            I'm thinkin' about putting a 'glossary' and/or lexicon and even a "Key to Pronunciation" Guide along with a 'Legend' like the ones we find on maps.   I've gone as far as considering this book, "How to read to your Children" --- A Handbook on meter, rhythm, modulation, connotation, inference and inflection ---- Sound as Transmitter of Understanding .   

          Here's the 1st sentence, "FOR CHRIST'S SAKE   `DO` THE VOICES !!!"  

Rock steady.......steady az She goze... .

"Here come the Judge"

           Expressions like :  "Never judge a book by its cover", heralded as Truth, now register as whole-sale LIE.   Let's Universalize that .  What were held to be Truths in our childhood, are now BLATANT Falsities--to be considered just so much colloquialistic garbage, the Romanticizational Effort to generate a somewhat Positive admonition to alter {or bring into conformity} a Reality of Judgement.  Here it is where Children's Literature has been Valued Vehicle to transmit a Mental Cognizance that is skewed toward a `silken softness` >>>  a Cognizance whose Operational Base is that of Optimism .   

          When you broaden the Spectrum of Transverse AwareNess what comes into view is the Necessity for Balance.   Here it is where "Qualifiers" must be entered into this Cognizance in order to FULLY describe the Truth as RELATIVE to the Conditions-At-Hand.  Check it out :  SOMETIMES you must not 'Judge a book by its cover'.   

          You can see it ryte ?   Truth is RELATIVE .  

           How you gonna explain THAT to a Kid ?  

The SEE-ment Pond-er-er

           A few {dazes} ago I got `caught` by "An Inquiry Into Values" the post-script title off of Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.  I got dizzy as my tiny monkey brain began to spin.  I sat on the ground to keep from falling over .   I wondered HOW I had forgotten Pirsig's Mission, a Mission that I had vowed to Continue with my own Investigations and Research{es}.   I tried to `Think` but could not.  I sat, holding on, as if on a {not-so} merry-go-round NOT the Gentle kind---but the playground DEATH Dealer where if you DON'T hold on you're discharged like grass from a walk-behind mower .   

          I'm always That Drunk who pulled a soiled mattress onto the bar's pool table while slurring, "How did things get so fucking fucked-up?"  .   Been there >>>>>   STILL there ................ .

          In moments of ((unsustainable)) AGONIZING Clarity I suffocate beneath the CRUSH of segment-tated History, the one where motes of dust and even molecules of powder are e-massed like that of cement in an 80 pound bag,,,,,, "heavy" just doesn't do it;  it barely gets you close.   But there 'it' is, a bag of cement on my face ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .




           Somewhere in 'Out-there' I have expressed a {now dire} suspicion that 'growing-up' with the Threat of Nuclear Annihilation >>ever-present on a day-to-day basis [and during the National News every {second of every} evening] <<  generated a SEVERE Mental Illness that presented as Brain Zombie-Ism, the one whereby Realism, the GRAPHIC REAL-EYES-ZATION of "Just Now" 'Reality' was  `held` in `abeyance`---relocated, as it were, to the Dark Reaches of Dark Matter in the folds and crevices of tissue-nomic brainery, and while there, began, in Cancer facility, to erode Truth, rather, to erode and corrode the Cognitive Ability, to Recognize Truth and to keep IT as Moral {and Scientific} Orientation.   

          Here it is whereby "Romanticism"--- the "Sweet coating" of Ugliness and Atrocity---was `used` to communicate a FALSE Sense of Well-Being clearly exemplified in the modern "Life is good" an `expression` that DENIES the REALITY of perhaps NINETY PER CENT of the Global Population who must endure Poverty and Political Oppression in a 21st Century World, that COULD, if Pressed, Feed every single Citizen of Earth.   For many of Us, Life is NOT "Good", indeed, Life is Suffering Laden as the Buddha issued in His Four Noble Truths.

         Anyone want to open a Kiddie Book and read,  "All Existence entails Suffering" ???

         You feel me ?????


"It HURTS when you want IT so bad."


          I had to move a couple of shelves of books around to accommodate the new Children's Literature Enterprise which will hallmark my entry into the Death Realm .   I have a feeling that "Grandma Moses" got it 'Right' meaning, she was able to `tap into` Creation Itself {as} she painted her Dreams and Visions with Spectacular Alacrity, This, despite having NO Formal Education in {brushwork} Art.  I want THAT, indeed, I want HER to be a Muse that I may parallel Her Trajectory as Spirit Helper Resource .   

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

NOW is Forever

           For my purposes,, it is best to define Primal Fear as The Fear of Death AND The Fear of The Experience of Dying.   No one wants to die from the effect of prolonged Torture manifested as seething IllNess and non-Curative {Abominatory} Collapse .  We would [so much] rather "die in our sleep".  In lieu of Slumber Death there is the vaunt of dying "with our boots on" and the ever atrocity-laden "going out in a Blaze of Glory" {Gory}.   Only a Few actually SEEK Death.  Our present Civilization views Suicide as PRIMAL ABOMINATION, the ACT of defying God's Will, and the OBJECTIVE Reality that Life is INNATELY Precious.   

          Apparently {A Parent ly} Death IS the Ultimate Unknown, and {once again} the Unknown is to be Feared {or so we have been taught}.  There is Life and the Other >>> represented as Death<<<, Here now "Fear of the Other" which has non-magically constituted a Reality of Perception that is SO magnificently deleterious to Objective Cognition [that it] actually manifests as egregious Societal `malfeasance of Character` where Character embodies acceptable Conduct.   Here it is where Truth does NOT factor into individual not societal Conscience .  It doesn't have to.   Here now "Criminal Behavior" exhibits those UNWANTED Characteristics of Non-Future Orientation >> the "Just Now" components of RADICAL self indulgence typified as "Immediate Gratification".

Fuh Hear = Fear

           I'm currently in the middle of Grimm's Fairy Tales, a volume out of "dilithium Press Ltd." [distributed by Outlet Book Company, Inc., a Random House Company].   The bothers Grimm --Jacob 1785-1863 and Wilhelm 1786-1859,, took it upon themselves to collect various German Fairy Tales and Folklores and publish them for the entertainment ? and amusement ? of German children.  Many of these Tales, if delivered with their astonishingly abject savagery would scare the {phuk}  out of our Present Day children, including myself .   Creatures "of the wood" are characterized as English Speaking MONSTERS and Witchcraft laden DEMONS who are breath-takingly Resourceful in beguiling and {hypnotizing}  Innocent children who, because of their age and Innocence, are somewhat helpless to fend off capture by  Evil and Wickedness.  I contend that Religious Order "Fire and Brimstone" Homilies are mere Aspects of Childhood Folk{Laws} >>>gospels<<< of  Reality where Reality is Righteous-Ness gone the way of Imaginative (Authority Generating) Penitentiary.   

          I further contend that it is Here, within these {Doctrines of Mythological Delivery} [that] FEAR of the Unknown and Different is used to guarantee the submission to Parental {Governmental} Authority since it is the Parents that act as Guardians and Protectors from Monsters, Demons and Evil Witches.

          You can see the Problem...................................

Simple Sigh Man

           Imagination must be fertilized.  I am hard-pressed to deliver an account of pre-printing press knowledge, story, fable and tale transmission except to rely on History to acknowledge that Education for the populace was loosely confined to the Religious Order.  It cost money to educate one's children, money `hard to come by` given the Need for even minimum subsistence expenditures.   Oral Transmission of primary Values and Modes of Prescriptive Mythologies was the Norm.  As Pirsig and McLuhan charted, Greek Mythology was the Source of Societal {planories} where planories is the surface foundation for the expression of "Rights and Wrongs" {...} the accepted Conduct for Individuals as Members of Society, Culture and Civilization [at large].   I believe it is safe to {conject} that Parental Guidance took the form as simple `Story Telling` as means to encode a System of Behavior that would guarantee submission to Parental Authority and ALL Authority for that matter.  

Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Deft Nition

           It is necessary for me to present this analogy :  Imagination is to [the] Conscious as Dreams are to the UNConscious .   I have NOT `worked-out` the Details surrounding this analogy because I have doubt that Imagination is generated by the Conscious as NECESSARY Agent of mental activity, that, ConsciousNess NEEDS Imagination to operate and function in a {prescriptive} 'healthy' `manner` .   Imagination gets  full-blown activation when Creativity demands manifestation .  Indeed, it is near impossible to recognize Creativity WITHOUT the employment {Embodiment} of Imagination .   We are told to "Think outside the box" (((where "thinking" is employment of Imagination and the "box" is steady-state [mundane] ConsciousNess))) ::: in order to solve problems and rectify issues .   This 'This' presents the requirement to define Imagination . 

          "In the broadest terms possible" Imagination is a mental mechanism . It is a `facility` of Thinking, in that Imagination must be 'summoned' as if {and as though} it is an independent entity of Mind .   Imagination requires the suspension of other faculties, a Clearing so to speak, so that It can find {make} its way through the limitations of standard reasoning, the hard-core realities of ConsciousNess best represented by "Common Sense".  

"The Lovin' Spoonfull"

           I don't think I must present a description of ConsciousNess since simply by being Human we understand ConsciousNess as being the diurnal mental activity of Mind.  There is, of course, the question of HOW we, as a species, 'entered' into ConsciousNess remains a perplexing mystery .   If you are of a mind, you can turn to Erich Neumann's The Origin and History of Consciousness (as I did) to lay [at least] a partial Foundation for your Study or Investigation.   For my purposes I must differentiate "Day Dream" from the Dreams of sleep and slumber, those generated by the UN-Conscious.  

          There's a sweet (almost lullaby) song done by "The Lovin' Spoonful" that lyrics, "What a day for a day dream boy"... Here, work activity has been suspended and self-indulgence is given care-free latitude that allows the mind freedom to Wander as if a sailboat,, where the wind is Imagination .   We must be cautious however, since Day Dreaming still has a 'Will', whereas nocturnal dreams are generated and governed by the UNConscious and 'Will' is all but absent .  

          Also and somewhat importantly, it must be noted that Day Dreaming MAY lead to a Contemplative State of Mind, as the act of Wandering MAY find itself drawn to and then attached to constructs that need Focus . 

          Allow me to present Day Dream as a mechanism to advantage Imagination .

Monday, August 1, 2022

Active Passivity

            There is the Realm of the Computer and its "World-Wide Web".   I have elsewhere contended that the WWW is a "Neural Net", that, the WWW is World MIND .   I did not include it with Film and Music because {along with TV} it is both Source of Information AND Entertainment .  I view the WWW as Earth's Nervous System,  a System whose Internal Dynamic is primarily Psycho-Logical {and Psycho-ILL-Logical}.   As such, the WWW is Mind E-X-P-A-N-D-I-N-G  but somehow is NOT ConsciousNess Raising and AwareNess Promotive .   Once again one's ConsciousNess governs the employment and utilization of the WWW---Choice itself the OPINION {Selective} of one's Mind directed to the various channels of Information {and AFFIRMATION} that afford Peace and Understanding to Mind's where {Introspective} Effort is to be avoided at any and all Costs .    

"They Became What They Beheld"

           You wanna figure that any Investigation of Tele-Vision should be foundationed upon Marshall McLuhan [with Quentin Fiore] in their The Medium Is The Message ---An Inventory of Effects and indeed Franklin Foer in his World Without Mind---The Existential Threat of Big Tech opens with homage to McLuhan and Pioneer Others including Edmund Carpenter and his They Became What They Beheld {Masterpiece}.  From where I stand {and sit} their `IT` aint enough .  I contend that TV acts like Fairy Tales and Fables to encode {and inculcate} upon the Collective ACCEPTED Societal Values, Morals and  Mores.   The 'Thing' here is the NATURE of the dissemination is Dream-like.  TV >>>INDUCES<<< a Receptivity devoid of Mental Activity, a Receptivity that is characterized by resolute Passivity which then blocks Analytical Observation thereby Unconsciously Promoting the most General Acceptance REGARDLESS of Truth and ANY Reality-Based {Factual} Evidence .   Truth need NOT be a Component of TV Reality since Truth RESTRICTS 'Acceptance' because of its very Nature, the Nature of Naked Reality with ALL its NON-Entertaining Constructs .   ALL of Us KNOW  "The Truth HURTS".

Diurnal Dysfunction

           A couple of dazes ago I wrote that `what remains` is Film and Music to be used by Artists to Communicate Knowledge and Influence the Minds of the Receivers thereby developing a ConsciousNess that can function intelligently in our present day Perceptual Reality.   I omitted Tele-Vision because of its ENORMITY .   

          {According to me} Tele-Vision acts as Waking Dream .   I've written elsewhere that Tele-Vision is the same as Dream.  Where Dr. Jung offers the "Collective UN-Conscious" I {conject} TV is the Collective Conscious.   

          I can no longer support my own Thinking on this matter, simply because the Three Network Panorama has been fractured, shattered,, and splintered by Cable Programming .   The {usurpation} of the Collective Conscious by Cable TV, has, {according to my Thinking} produced what I will tag American Schizophrenia  ===  a Mental State of Truth-full and Truth-less Chaos, a Chaos that has blurred Reality and Re-Turned the Collective to a Socio-Political Primality that renders Existence as nothing less than a Sensory Bombardment that generates  EMOTIONAL Sensations, almost all of which origin in Instinctual Animality that SAME which denies the Future and inhibits the Advance of Socio-Political Evolution.