Saturday, August 20, 2022

"Here come the Judge"

           Expressions like :  "Never judge a book by its cover", heralded as Truth, now register as whole-sale LIE.   Let's Universalize that .  What were held to be Truths in our childhood, are now BLATANT Falsities--to be considered just so much colloquialistic garbage, the Romanticizational Effort to generate a somewhat Positive admonition to alter {or bring into conformity} a Reality of Judgement.  Here it is where Children's Literature has been Valued Vehicle to transmit a Mental Cognizance that is skewed toward a `silken softness` >>>  a Cognizance whose Operational Base is that of Optimism .   

          When you broaden the Spectrum of Transverse AwareNess what comes into view is the Necessity for Balance.   Here it is where "Qualifiers" must be entered into this Cognizance in order to FULLY describe the Truth as RELATIVE to the Conditions-At-Hand.  Check it out :  SOMETIMES you must not 'Judge a book by its cover'.   

          You can see it ryte ?   Truth is RELATIVE .  

           How you gonna explain THAT to a Kid ?  

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