Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Simple Sigh Man

           Imagination must be fertilized.  I am hard-pressed to deliver an account of pre-printing press knowledge, story, fable and tale transmission except to rely on History to acknowledge that Education for the populace was loosely confined to the Religious Order.  It cost money to educate one's children, money `hard to come by` given the Need for even minimum subsistence expenditures.   Oral Transmission of primary Values and Modes of Prescriptive Mythologies was the Norm.  As Pirsig and McLuhan charted, Greek Mythology was the Source of Societal {planories} where planories is the surface foundation for the expression of "Rights and Wrongs" {...} the accepted Conduct for Individuals as Members of Society, Culture and Civilization [at large].   I believe it is safe to {conject} that Parental Guidance took the form as simple `Story Telling` as means to encode a System of Behavior that would guarantee submission to Parental Authority and ALL Authority for that matter.  

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